Le Petit Savoyard


Identification and Hosting

Le Petit Savoyard, available at www.le-petit-savoyard.com, is edited and hosted by its owner: Henri Raffin, SASU Simplified joint-stock company with sole partner registered in the Trade and Companies Register of CHAMBERY under the number RCS 842 980 161 since 22/10/1956 with capital of €506,350, Its main activity is the industrial preparation of meat products, whose registered office is 256 RTE DES BONS PRES 73110 VALGELON-LA ROCHETTE, whose e-mail address is contact@le-petit-savoyard.com.

SIRET: 74562103700050
Individual intra-Community VAT identification number: FR55745621037

Intellectual property

This site, its domain name, all names, form elements, computer programs, databases of the site, are protected for the whole world by intellectual property rights. In the absence of prior written authorization from Henri Raffin, any use in whole or in part of these elements is prohibited and liable to legal proceedings, in particular for counterfeiting.

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